Author Guidelines

Authors who will submit or publish article manuscripts in the Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Ilmiah (JPPI), should pay attention to the writing guidelines which consist of several parts, including: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review (specifically for review articles), Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The article manuscript must be written in correct and good Indonesian according to Indonesian language rules. The length of the submitted article manuscript is at least six pages and no more than 12 pages (including references). To make it easier for authors, we recommend reference writing tools such as Mendeley or Zotero then select APA edition six.

The title section must be precise, specific, and complete. Authors can write the title by identifying the main issues of the article content. Avoid titles that contain ambiguous and rarely used abbreviations. The title is written using Cambria font, 14 pt font size, 1.15 spacing with a word count of no more than 20 words.

Author Name and Affiliation
Author names should be written in 10 pt Cambria font, 1.0 spacing, and bold. The first author is the main author or correspondence. The author's name should not include the title (e.g. Supervisor), academic title (e.g. Prof, Dr, M.Pd, M.Sc, M.Sc, etc.) or membership of each organization. Each author is required to write their First Name and Last Name. If you have a one-word name, e.g. Rahmat, then it should be written Rahmat Rahmat. On the bottom line of the author's name, write the name of the University, City, and Country of each author in 11 pt font with Cambria font (e.g. Mangga University, Ternate, Indonesia). Please include the main Author (correspondence) along with an email address.

Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should be informative and clear so that it can provide a concise explanation of the objectives, methods, and results of the study and show the main findings. Authors should avoid abbreviations, unless there is a prior explanation. In addition, there are no literature citations in explaining the contents of the abstract. The abstract is written in Indonesian and English, a maximum of 150 to 200 words using Calibri font, 9 pt. Keywords consist of 3-5 words and are separated by a semicolon (;).

The introduction should provide information to the reader about the data and the background reality of your research, and the reasons why the research was conducted. The description of the introduction should answer the question/problem what is being studied?. When writing the background, the author needs to ensure relevant, balanced, and current citations (no more than ten years old) so that the freshness of the references can be maintained. In this section, the author also needs to explain the purpose of the research or the purpose of writing the article so that readers can understand the direction of the research to be carried out. The introduction uses Cambria font size 10 pt, spacing 1.0.

This section contains an explanation of what methods are used in the research, how the data was collected, data sources, and how the data was analyzed. In addition, the author can explain how many samples or research subjects were used.

Results and Discussion
The results are the main part of a scientific article. The results can be presented with tables, graphs, or images, and text. In this section, the author simply states what was found, but does not interpret the results or discuss their implications. The results should be presented in an order that is in accordance with the research objectives that have been explained in the introduction. In addition, the author does not need to duplicate knowledge (re-explain) between images, tables, and text. Meanwhile, in the discussion section, the author must answer questions related to "What do the research results mean?". Then the author interprets and compares the results so that they can find gaps between current research and previous research, or from the most important and least important things. The author can interpret current findings and integrate previous findings so that they can produce new ideas about theories, concepts, methods or other findings.

This section contains an explanation that includes a summary of the answers to the research questions. Recommendations refer to the results of the research and are in the form of practical actions, stating to whom and for what the suggestions are intended. In this section, the author can also provide recommendations for further research so that they can clarify the results and position of the research that has been obtained and its implications for others. The conclusion is described in essay form, not in numerical form.

If any, acknowledgements are addressed to the official institutions or individuals who have provided funding or have made other contributions to this research. Acknowledgements can be accompanied by the research contract number.

References consist of the author's name, year of publication, article title, city name and publishing institution. The bibliography is sorted by the first letter of the author's name (A-Z). The second word in the name is agreed as the surname. Authors can follow the APA 6th Publication Manual to write references. All references referred to in the text must be written in the reference list. The preferred references are articles cited from the latest journals and books or no later than the last ten years. It is recommended to use the Mendeley or Zotero applications.