Manuscript Preparation
In order to pass the editorial review, please follow the guideline below:
Please complete the metadata (article information in the OJS system) by providing all required items:
Title of the manuscript: (use Title Case; do not capitalize all words in the title except the first letter of the title and abbreviations, e.g., TOEFL). The same applies for the uploaded file.
Subtitle: use the same as above if any.
Authors: all authors must be listed with their first and last names and affiliations. Names should be written in Sentence Case (capitalize first letter of the names). The same applies for the affiliation. If any, ORCID ID should be added.
Abstract: clear any format from the abstract. The abstract must be less than 200 words. Abstract that exceeds 200 words will be rejected.
Keywords: write five keywords separated by commas. Do not copy-paste from the file. Type them manually. Use small letters except for abbreviations (e.g., IELTS). Keywords in metadata and in manuscript file must be identical.
Manuscript file
Title: use Times New Roman (14pt), centered, bold. Subtitle should be separated by colon (:);
Author name: use Times New Roman (12pt), centered, bold. Corresponding author should add * after the last name (Firstname Lastname*). Position of the author name respectively;
Affiliations: use Times New Roman (12pt), centered, below the author name respectively;
Abstract: use Times New Roman (12pt), left, single space, not more than 200 words;
Keywords: use Times New Roman (12pt), left, italic;
First level sections title (introduction, literature review, methods, findings, discussions, conclusions, references): use Heading 1;
Second level sections title (any subsections within introduction, literature review, methods, findings, and discussion): use Heading 2;
Third level sections: if any, use Times New Roman (12pt), bold;
Fourth level sections: if any, use Times New Roman (12pt), bold, italic, underline;
Citation and reference: this journal use the APA 7th style. Use Zotero reference manager. Manual citation and reference writing will be rejected.
Section content: use Times New Roman (12pt), justified, indented, single space, 0pt before, and 6pt after;
Table and figure: tables and figures must have clear captions right below the tables or figures. Tables and figures must be appropriately placed within the manuscript file where they are referenced.